Author: lmi_admin
June 2021: Klemen Grm receives SPRS plaque of excellence for his PhD Thesis
The Slovenian Pattern Recognition Society (SSPR), the Slovenian branch of IAPR, awarded LMI member, Klemen Grm, with the plaque of excellence for his PhD thesis. The plague is given out […]
January 2021: Special Issue in Image and Vision Computing
We are organizing a special issue on “Deep Learning Techniques Applied to Faces” in Image and Vision Computing, SCI IF 2018: 3.103. The submission deadline is: September 2021. Feel free […]
December 2020: New paper accepted for IEEE Access
Our paper on superquadric recovery was accepted for publication in IEEE Access. In this work we propose two deep learning solutions for predicting superquadric parameters from depth images. The paper […]
November 2020: MOBIUS dataset and segmentation benchmark available
The segmentation part of the MOBIUS dataset, collected for the purpose of developing sclera biometrics solution, is now made publicly available together with a benchmark. For more information see the […]
October 2020: IJCB 2020 completed
The 2020 edition of the International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB), the biggest conference on biometrics in the world, was held as a virtual conference between September 28th and October […]
September 2020: New project on Generative modeling for the beauty and fashion industry funded
A new ARRS project called “Deep generative models for beauty and fashion (DeepBeauty)” has been approved. The PI on the project is Vitomir Štruc. The project will try to develop […]
February 2020: LMI members co-organize and attend the CVWW 2020 conference
The Computer Vision Winter Workshop 2020 conference took place in Rogaška Slatina, Slovenia, on february 3-5 2020. This year, the conference was co-organized by members of the ViCoS lab from […]
November 2019: Our face super-resolution method selected for the top-10 research achievements of the University of Ljubljana in 2019
The resolution of image data is of key importance in people’s ability to recognize the content of images, as well as in various computer vision tasks, including object detection, tracking […]
September 2019: Junior Researcher Klemen Grm awarded the Max Snijder Award by the European Association for Biometrics
Klemen Grm, a junior researcher at the Laboratory for Machine Intelligence, has been awarded the prestigious Max Snijder award by the European Association for Biometrics. The award is awarded annually […]
August 2019: Junior Researcher Klemen Grm Nominated for European Biometrics Research and Industry Awards
Klemen Grm, a junior researcher at the Laboratory for Machine Intelligence, has been nominated for the prestigious European Biometrics Research and Industry Award held by European Association for Biometrics The […]