September 2019: Junior Researcher Klemen Grm awarded the Max Snijder Award by the European Association for Biometrics

Klemen Grm, a junior researcher at the Laboratory for Machine Intelligence, has been awarded the prestigious Max Snijder award by the European Association for Biometrics. The award is awarded annually to identify innovations in biometrics in both academic and industrial settings with wide applications, and encourage scientific progress in the area.

Klemen Grm is active in the research areas of facial biometrics and super-resolution. Super-resolution techniques can be used to enhance the quality of face images, which has several biometric applications. Researchers suggest that such methods could eventually lead to improved face recognition for surveillance platforms.

The recipient of the award was chosen by a jury after the finalists’ presentation of their work at the Fraunhofer IGD instute in Germany on September 18th.