April 2023: Two papers presented at IWBF 2023
LMI members, Žiga Babnik and Marija Ivanovska, presented two recent papers at #IWBF 2023 in Barcelona in April 2023. The first paper deals with “Face Morphing Attack Detection with Denoising […]
April 2023: New paper accepted in the IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
A new paper was accepted in the IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (SCI IF: 10,275). GRABNER, Miha, WANG, Yi, WEN, Qingsong, BLAŽIČ, Boštjan, ŠTRUC, Vitomir. A global modeling framework for […]
February 2023: GlassesGAN paper accepted for CVPR 2023
Our GlassesGAN paper was accepted for presentation at CVPR 2023. In this work, Fullbright visiting student Richard Plesh (Clarkson University) proposes a new approach for face-image editing in the latent space of […]
February 2023: New paper on face-image editing accepted in the IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
A new paper on face image editing was accepted for publication in the EEE Transactions on Image Processing (impact factor: 11.041). The paper titled “MaskFaceGAN: High Resolution Face Editing With […]
January 2023: Survey on computer vision during COVID-19 published in Image and Vision Computing
A new paper reviewing existing work on human analysis in the COVID-19 Era was published in Image and Vision Computing. The paper is available from here: https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1gKOyxnVK7RBS
November 2022: Vitomir Štruc received the Best Reviewer Award for ICMI 2022
Prof. Vitomir Štruc received the Best Reviewer Award from the 24th ACM ICMI International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI). The award can be found HERE.
November 2022: Vitomir Štruc elevated to Full Professor
Vitomir Štruc was elevated to full professor. Congratulations!
October 2022: New paper published in the IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security
Following the success of the 2020 competition on sclera segmentation that was organized as part of IJCB 2020 several of the participating groups conducted a group evaluation that resulted in […]
September 2022: Vitomir Struc appointed Associate Editor for EURASIP JIVP
LMI member, Assoc. Prof. Vitomir Štruc, joined the editorial board of the EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing as an Associate Editor. [LINK]
August 2022: Four papers accepted for ERK 2022
Members of LSI had 4 papers accepted at ERK 2022. Marija Ivanovska; Andrej Kronovšek; Peter Peer; Vitomir Štruc; Borut Batagelj: Face Morphing Attack Detection Using Privacy-Aware Training Data Jaka Šircelj; […]