2024 |
Alessio, Leon; Brodarič, Marko; Peer, Peter; Struc, Vitomir; Batagelj, Borut Prepoznava zamenjave obraza na slikah osebnih dokumentov Proceedings Article In: Proceedings of ERK 2024, pp. 1-4, Portorož, Slovenia, 2024. Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: biometrics, deep learning, deep models, face PAD, face recognition, pad @inproceedings{SWAP_ERK_24, In recent years, a need for remote user authentication has emerged. Many authentication techniques are based on verifying an image of identity documents (ID). This approach mitigates the need for physical presence from both parties, making the authentication process quicker and more effective. However, it also presents challenges, such as data security and the risk of identity fraud. Attackers use many techniques to fool authentication algorithms. This paper focuses on detecting face substitution, a common and straightforward fraud technique where the perpetrator replaces the face image on the ID. Due to its simplicity, almost anyone can utilize this technique extensively. Unlike digitally altered images, these modifications are manually detectable but pose challenges for computer algorithms. To face the challenge of detecting such an attack, we extended a dataset containing original images of identity cards of 9 countries with altered images, where the original face was substituted with another face from the dataset. We developed a method to detect such tampering by identifying unusual straight lines that indicate an overlay on the ID. We then evaluated the method on our dataset. While the method showed limited success, it underscores the complexity of this problem and provides a benchmark for future research. |
2015 |
Grm, Klemen; Dobrišek, Simon; Štruc, Vitomir The pose-invariant similarity index for face recognition Proceedings Article In: Proceedings of the Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference (ERK), Portorož, Slovenia, 2015. BibTeX | Tags: biometrics, CNN, deep learning, deep models, face verification, similarity learning @inproceedings{ERK2015Klemen, |