October 2019: Paper accepted in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing

Our paper “Face hallucination using cascaded super-resolution and identity priors” has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (SCI IF 2018: 6,79). The paper presents a novel approach to face hallucination that clearly outperforms existing techniques. The paper is published in open-access and a preprint is available from here.

The work was a joint effort between the University of Ljubljana and the University of Notre Dame and was authored by Klemen Grm, Walter Scheirer and Vitomir Štruc.

To facilitate reproducibility, all code used for the paper is made publicly available for non-commercial use. For more information visit the project’s webpage: https://lmi.fe.uni-lj.si/en/research/fh/

This work received the EAB Max Snijder award earlier this year. The award is given out every year for the best biometrics related research conducted during a PhD in Europe.