
Pokaži vse


Gajšek, Rok; Štruc, Vitomir; Mihelič, France

Multi-modal Emotion Recognition using Canonical Correlations and Acustic Features Proceedings Article

V: Proceedings of the International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), str. 4133-4136, IAPR Istanbul, Turkey, 2010.

Povzetek | Povezava | BibTeX | Oznake: acustic features, canonical correlations, emotion recognition, facial expression recognition, multi modality, speech processing, speech technologies

Gajšek, Rok; Štruc, Vitomir; Mihelič, France

Multi-modal Emotion Recognition based on the Decoupling of Emotion and Speaker Information Proceedings Article

V: Proceedings of Text, Speech and Dialogue (TSD), str. 275-282, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2010.

Povzetek | Povezava | BibTeX | Oznake: emotion recognition, facial expression recognition, multi modality, speech processing, speech technologies, spontaneous emotions, video processing


Gajšek, Rok; Štruc, Vitomir; Dobrišek, Simon; Žibert, Janez; Mihelič, France; Pavešić, Nikola

Combining audio and video for detection of spontaneous emotions Proceedings Article

V: Biometric ID management and multimodal communication, str. 114-121, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2009.

Povzetek | Povezava | BibTeX | Oznake: emotion recognition, facial expression recognition, performance evaluation, speech processing, speech technologies