
Pokaži vse


Štruc, Vitomir; Pavešić, Nikola

From Gabor Magnitude to Gabor Phase Features: Tackling the Problem of Face Recognition under Severe Illumination Changes Book Section

V: Oravec, Milos (Ur.): Face Recognition, str. 215-238, In-Tech, Vienna, 2010.

Povezava | BibTeX | Oznake: biometrics, face recognition, feature extraction, Gabor features, Gabor filters, illumination changes, phase features

Štruc, Vitomir; Pavešić, Nikola

The Complete Gabor-Fisher Classifier for Robust Face Recognition Članek v strokovni reviji

V: EURASIP Advances in Signal Processing, vol. 2010, str. 26, 2010.

Povzetek | Povezava | BibTeX | Oznake: biometrics, combined model, face recognition, feature extraction, Gabor features, phase features


Štruc, Vitomir; Vesnicer, Boštjan; Pavešić, Nikola

The phase-based Gabor Fisher classifier and its application to face recognition under varying illumination conditions Proceedings Article

V: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ICSPCS'08), str. 1-6, IEEE, Gold Coast, Australia, 2008, ISBN: 978-1-4244-4243-0.

Povzetek | Povezava | BibTeX | Oznake: biometrics, face verification, feature extraction, Gabor features, performance evaluation, phase congruency features, phase features