
Pokaži vse


Grm, Klemen; Ozata, Berk; Struc, Vitomir; Ekenel, Hazim K.

Meet-in-the-middle: Multi-scale upsampling and matching for cross-resolution face recognition Proceedings Article

V: WACV workshops, str. 120-129, 2023.

Povzetek | Povezava | BibTeX | Oznake: deep learning, face, face recognition, multi-scale matching, smart surveillance, surveillance, surveillance technology


Grm, Klemen; Štruc, Vitomir

Deep face recognition for surveillance applications Članek v strokovni reviji

V: IEEE Intelligent Systems, vol. 33, no. 3, str. 46–50, 2018.

Povzetek | Povezava | BibTeX | Oznake: biometrics, face, face recognition, performance evaluation, surveillance


Kenk, Vildana Sulič; Križaj, Janez; Štruc, Vitomir; Dobrišek, Simon

Smart surveillance technologies in border control Članek v strokovni reviji

V: European Journal of Law and Technology, vol. 4, no. 2, 2013.

Povzetek | Povezava | BibTeX | Oznake: border control, proportionality, smart surveillance, surveillance, surveillance technology